Category: Family Class

Choi Kwang Do(CKD) was founded by Grandmaster Kwang Jo Choi in 1987

Choi Kwang Do (CKD) is a modern martial art developed by Grandmaster Kwang Jo Choi in 1987. It is based on principles derived from human anatomy and biomechanics, promoting natural… Read more »

Learning martial arts can be a rewarding journey towards gaining a Black Belt.

Absolutely! Achieving a black belt in martial arts is often seen as a significant milestone and represents high proficiency and dedication. Here are some additional tips specific to the journey… Read more »

Build Confidence and Protect Your Loved Ones with Family-Friendly Self-Defense

Absolutely! Brighton Family-friendly self-defence can be a fantastic way to build confidence and protect your loved ones. Here are some key points to consider when pursuing family-friendly self-defence: Remember, the… Read more »

Learn how Surprisingly the Power of Exercise in Reducing Stress Levels

Exercise has a profound impact on reducing stress levels, and its benefits extend well beyond physical health. Research consistently demonstrates that regular physical activity can significantly alleviate stress and promote… Read more »

Unlock Your Inner Strength with Self-Defence Training in Brighton

Brighton Martial Arts, also known as Family Self Defence, offers martial arts training with a focus on self-defence and personal development. We operate in association with CKD, which stands for… Read more »

Fitness evening classes for all ages. Brighton Martial Arts and Self-defence classes, The Choi Foundation, Robert Tanswell

5 Star Fitness Class Reviews and Testimonials

Members’ reviews of our Martial Arts classes See all our wonderful reviews from students and parents. Or come to a trial class for FREE and see for yourself. Contact Robert… Read more »