
The Choi Foundation, Brighton Choi Kwang Do Martial Arts and Self-defence

Fitness evening classes at Dorothy Stringer Sports Complex

Brighton Marital Arts and Self-defence fitness classes, The Choi Foundation, Robert Tanswell

Chief Head Instructor – Master Robert Tanswell – Rank – OH Dan / 5th Dan Black Belt International Instructor & Examiner

“Born and bred in Brighton I started my Martial Arts Adventure in my early teens first with Karate where I was introduced to the holistic or well-being side of life, then like every teen who watches movies like Bruce Lee, and Jackie Chan, captured my imagination of Martial arts.

At the age of 16, I became a practitioner of T.M to help better understand the holistic well-being of life, shortly after I followed the art of Tai Chi & Wing Chun, as I became older I moved into Kickboxing, Judo, Krav Maga, and Brazilian Jitzu.

I discovered Choi Kwang Do in 2007 when I found my local school after reading about the work of Grand Master Choi. I have not looked back since. Drawing on my long experience with other martial arts. I was promoted to Assistant Instructor in 2008 and gained my IL Dan Black Belt and Instructor’s uniform in 2009 and currently to date hold the rank of Master / 5th Dan.

In Choi Kwang Do (CKD) I found a practice that reinforces ancient tradition with 21st-century science. Every technique has been based on up-to-date research to prevent muscle and joint injury, making it suitable for all ages and abilities.
I thoroughly enjoy teaching a mixed class, it is gratifying to help students, no matter what their age, gender, or ability, move from self-consciousness white belts to roaring black belts and moving through the ranking system, each week gaining more in terms of fitness, techniques and self-confidence and wellbeing.

Once again, it is the philosophy behind Choi Kwang Do that has inspired me. Choi Kwang Do is unusual among martial arts in that it is non-competitive. It is not about being better than anyone else. It is about being the best you can be. It isn’t ego-driven. It is based on self-empowerment and respect for others.”  Says Robert

Head Instructor- Nick Gorvett 4th Dan / Deputy Master

I have been training in Choi for 16 years, following training in Shotokan karate. Choi is a very enjoyable and addictive martial art for all ages -I am 3 months away from my 70th birthday – and it has certainly helped with my overall health, flexibility, alertness and confidence. It is a very friendly martial art and, importantly, non-competitive and non-arrogant.

All of us are learning something new each class and we instructors learn from students as they do from us. All that is expected is for each student to do as well as they can and you will be surprised how quickly you learn, develop and gain confidence in defending yourself should the need arise. You will also be able to celebrate and demonstrate your achievements as you move up the belt ranking system. You will enjoy the training   – come for a visit and you won’t regret it and you will be made very welcome.

Brighton Marital Arts and Self-defence fitness classes, The Choi Foundation, Robert Tanswell

“I have been attending Rob’s classes since 2014, initially with my son, and subsequently also my daughter. I started the classes hoping that it would help with the pain in my lower back. It has worked very well; the exercises have strengthened my core muscles, helping support my back. But I also really enjoy going to the classes, I look forward to them twice a week. It is a great way to de-stress and great way of getting some exercise and regain some energy.

My kids both love coming to the classes as well, they have made new friends and it has given them both greater self-confidence. Rob runs the classes with a good balance of discipline and fun, and each grading gives us all a real sense of achievement. All the instructors are friendly, helpful and encouraging. I recommend the Brighton Choi Foundation classes to anyone who wants to get fitter and learn self-defence.” Says Alex

or phone Robert at 07738 608447