Welcome to Martial Arts Brighton a Choi Kwang Do Martial Art International School which is a worldwide organization.

The Choi Foundation is our Brighton & Hove Choi Kwang Do Self-Defence Martial Art school based at Dorothy Stringer School, Sports Complex, Loder Rd, Brighton, BN1 6PZ.
Our classes are friendly, supportive, and non-competitive, you’ll enjoy a healthy, productive, and effective Martial Arts program that will tone, condition, and strengthen your body from head to toe. As you learn to protect yourself, you’ll enhance your health and well-being and enrich your mind with The Choi Foundation Martial Arts program.
Our practical Martial Arts training is based on Choi Kwang Do, a 21st-century approach to martial arts training that harnesses the principles of modern science to produce fast, powerful and fluent techniques which enable our students to grow physically, mentally, and spiritually.
At The Choi Foundation, we offer much more than self-defence skills and training. We combine fun with a challenging Martial Arts program, that uses modern-day advances in science.
Choi Kwang do has been specifically designed to remove locking-out motions on kicks and hyperextensions on punches that can be found in more traditional styles such as Karate, and Taekwondo, thus helping to protect joints and to minimise wear and tear. Movement is biomechanically designed to ensure that repetition (which is essential in Martial Arts Training) isn’t detrimental to the practitioner as they train. This has the added benefit of meaning that students can continue training in Choi Kwang Do throughout their whole lives, without suffering the common joint problems or injuries associated with other Arts.
Choi Kwang Do uses sequential movement to transfer natural energy from one body segment and allows muscle groups to work intricately together to produce the most effective and powerful movements, you will be using movement patterns and speed drills that utilize both sides of the body equally so that balanced development is achieved. This happens automatically while practising enjoyable techniques that progressively strengthen your tendons and ligaments, simultaneously avoiding any chance of injury. We also don’t have full contact ‘fighting’ like in MMA, rather defence drills with a focus on avoidance and effective defence techniques, rather than prolonged rounds of combat, or spend much time doing throws or groundwork like in Judo or B.J.J
Like any form of exercise, martial arts will help you improve your fitness levels, lose weight, tone up and gain physical and mental strength. You will notice by embracing the many changes martial arts can bring you will be getting into shape both inside and out.

Martial Arts is very much a reward-based system. It allows students to work hard, train hard, and achieve a set target, be rewarded for those efforts, each individual learning Choi Kwang Do is on a journey of improvement and personal development.; progression is highly individualised with students competing against themselves, instead of others, and working to develop at their own pace, which allows for all ages and abilities to be involved.
Many styles use Testing as a form of review with progression based on belts or sashes. The important factor here is that the recognition of achieving a goal is visibly demonstrated and helps build confidence and self-esteem. Most Martial Arts Styles have something to offer in the form of physical exercise, practicality and discipline. Choi Kwang Do is no different in this respect. This means that everyone can access the benefits available from Martial Arts training.
Regular training at a Martial Arts school or club requires constant interaction and contact with your instructors & fellow students. The more people you meet and train with, the more friends you will make, pushing you to go beyond your limits to become a better you.
You will also develop your social skills, making new friends from different walks of life. The friends you make may become lifelong friends. Friends who you may not have met through your current social network but new friends who have a common goal of self-improvement and training in martial arts.
At The Choi Foundation, we do not just punch and kick!
If you have never tried a martial art, or maybe you have practised years ago and want to start again, we are confident that we will suit your needs. It’s a great alternative to traditional martial arts such as Karate and Taekwondo and provides the great workout associated with Kickboxing.

Our school welcomes all students
Regardless of age, gender, size, or physical ability, we understand that each student is unique and we ensure that levels of intensity, frequency, and duration are met with the individual student’s needs. We strive to make the learning environment fun, safe and friendly and allow individuals to learn at their own pace.
Our dedicated team of instructors will give you the tools to achieve your goals in outstanding health, fitness, and self-protection and the confidence you need to help lead a healthy lifestyle.
Join our Martial Arts class at any time throughout the year, everyone learns at their own pace.
Contact us now for your free trial lesson today.
or phone Robert at 07738 608447
See the amazing student reviews on our testimonials page

“Choi is good exercise and it’s more engaging than going to a gym, but more importantly I’m learning vital self defence skills...
“A great way to de-stress and a great way of getting some exercise and regaining some energy…
“I like Choi because it keeps you fit and also teaches you to protect yourself in a real life situation…
“I like Choi because its fun and good exercise…