Aerobic fitness training develops stamina and endurance

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Aerobic fitness at Martial Art and Self-defence in Brighton at The Choi Foundation

Aerobic fitness at Martial Art and Self-defence in Brighton at The Choi Foundation

We have many exciting and enjoyable drills to develop individuals aerobically and anaerobically

Both are important: Aerobic fitness training develops stamina and endurance, which assists you in daily life. Anaerobic training develops speed, agility and explosive power, which is essential in self-defence. And the combination strengthens the heart and lungs. We also teach a complete stretching method designed to strengthen all muscles, tendons, ligaments and bones, and our patterns use natural, rhythmic, fluid, contra-lateral movements. We systematically train both sides of the body evenly, in coordination with the eyes, which allows students to stimulate and develop their brain as well as their muscles.

For a FREE trial class, email Robert here.